Officers: Jeep Johnson, Heather Houze, Wesley Thill, Don Kalmes, Alan Hennis, Karen Raab, Joe Spanier
Heather has typed up the adult waiver in a Google Form
Fiber Laser
Karen has asked that RCL use $2500 from our budget towards fiber laser
$1650 has been raised in donations towards fiber laser
Where is money going to come from? Karen proposes it come from our cash reserves
Pending major expense to repair/replace Glowforge. Karen emailed Jason Radford at his personal email, and has not yet heard back.
Officers to continue discussing and looking for ways to fund laser purchases
Cat Match
Reminder that Cat employees can file their volunteer hours for a donation to RCL, and those can be earmarked for preferred projects
Topic for Next Month
How much money do we need to keep in our rainy day fund? Can any of our current reserves be allocated to improving RCL/buying new tools? We need Treasurer Fred for that conversation.
Paint Room
Paul to come in and give a Thursday class about how to use the paint room and how to clean the paint gun
Complaints about air compressor being very noisy
Build platform and sound box
Josh to donate sound deadening material and ventilation fan
Wes to help with vibration isolation between platform and top of paint booth
Donation of Vacuum Former
Dean's stuff is taking up space in the corner where Josh's donated vacuum former will go
Jeep will send a message to Dean to ask when he will be back in town
Josh won't donate vacuum former until there is space to put it
Last updated
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