Attendees: Jeep, Heather, Wes, Sam, Don, Alan, Fred, Joe
Any Proposals for Large Expenses in 2024
Fiber laser
Multi headed/multi color 3D printer
Shelix head for the planer
Swag table and band saw (metal shop)
Upgrade dust collection system
Drum sander
Small wood lathe
Wood band saw w/ resaw capability
Garage storage system
Safety Maintenance
Lighting - current LED lights are going out and need replacing
Lighting over lathe and mill
Hearing protection and safety glasses
Any Proposals for Bylaw Updates in 2024
Reduction of number of officers & redefinition of officer roles
Addition of requirement for CPA audit
Fiber Laser
At least half of cost has been raised from donations so far
Specifics of laser to be proposed will be discussed in Slack
Will RCL contribute anything from general funds? To be discussed (see above)
Enclosure for air compressor, is it needed?
Yes, materials for box are already there
Need a cooling fan
Air compressor also needs to be isolated from the framing
Scheduled Maintenance
Draining air compressor tank
Maintenance on laser and chiller schedule
Bathroom cleaning schedule
Create checklists so people can initial when
Create calendar reminders
New laser training plan
Trained members cannot train and certify other members - warranty concern
Joe could train some trainers - start with Don and Jeep
Cleaning House
Sell or give away the small CNC router - offer to Al Jolly $100
Sell or give away Sears drill press - offer to Mike for $10
Sell Dean's Mill - offer on Slack $1000 and list on FB Marketplace for $1500 ($1000 lowest)
Renewal of midwestmakerfest.org domain - don't renew
Eliminating Meetup - don't renew
Last updated
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