Officers: Jeep Johnson, Heather Houze, Wes Thill, Don Kalmes, Fred Bliss Members: Joe Spanier, Lore Roberts, Vincent Allen, Karen Raab, Josh Malavolti Guests: Cyprus
Belegarth Realm Group
Lore (member) & Cyprus (guest, President of the organization)
Groups wants to use RCL as a meeting space to make costumes and foam weapons for a LARP sport
They would bring their own sewing machines and sergers
Less messy than Cosplay Guild (former group)
Concerns from Jeep:
Incident where a minor in the Cosplay Guild member was uncomfortable with an RCL member that was at the space at the time. Lore thinks it will be less of an issue with this group.
Only one active minor in Belegarth Realm, and their parent is very active
All visiting guest will sign waivers
1 week notice before events
No objections to letting them meet at RCL
Message on Facebook from a Teacher
Wants to become a member
She has a grant to purchase materials for a butterfly project
Needs to spend grant money by end of May
Wants to 3D print pieces and laser cut plexiglass
Recommendation - have her come on a Thursday and talk to members
Ignite Peoria Pinewood Derby Event
Ignite August 12th, 2023
Co-hosted by RCL and Marquette Men’s Club
$200 from Marquette Men’s Club for awards
Pinewood Derby is registered for Ignite
Open to anyone
Build night to make cars, these will go into a pool for anyone to run
Question - can Men’s Club use tools?
Scheduled event where people can bring their own cars (limited rules)
Entry fees not allowed for Ignite, but we could have a separate event later at RCL
Air Compressor Move
Compressor is being moved above Paint Booth
Josh is ordering parts (fittings, switch, drain lines) tonight
Move scheduled for May 25th - added to calendar
Financial Report from Fred
Fred to put $10K in PNC savings account at 2.2% interest
Heather proposes we get rid of Meetup & save $7 per month. Counter proposal from Joe & Josh to keep it through the summer and monitor usage.
Proposal to switch from LastPass to 1Password - talk to Sage. They helped the Rainbow Coalition switch to 1Password.
79 total members, a new record!
$300 monthly surplus. Good job everyone!
AWS (American Welding Society)
AWS is paying RCL a yearly family membership to store their stuff on top of the metal shop
This doesn’t grant AWS any actual memberships (access to tools, space, voting rights, etc.)
They agreed to help contribute to our metal tools because they were saving money by storing their stuff at RCL
Karen asked for donations for portable band saw and half of the cost of a fiber laser
Question from Karen - would we give membership discounts if they bring 10 new members?
Past precedent - we don’t give discounts for groups like that because it becomes high maintenance
Fundraising for Fiber Laser
$1180 in funds have been collected towards fiber laser
Using RCL funds would require a member vote
We need to resolve Glowforge situation first before committing RCL funds to a fiber laser
Jeep has contacted Jason Radford about the Glowforge, but no decision has been made
Upcoming Community Events
Beers and Gears Pub Ride is on June 3rd and starts at Industry Brewing
Car show at Pro Automotive on last Saturday in June (to be confirmed)
Last updated
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