Officer Reports
President: Aaron Peterson
Vice President : Wes Thill
Secretary: Sreeram Mahadevan
Treasurer: TBD, Fred in interim
PR Officer: Patrick Gudat
Facilities Manager: Cody Webster
Membership Officer: Karen Raab
Education Officer: Alan Hennis
Director: Josh Malavolti
Old Business
For full context see 01/11/2022 meeting notes
Josh: Mill mounting plate design/purchase. Will cotinue discussion in #metalworking will work on adding a space-wide doorbell via homeassistant or something.
Alan will get the belt sander stuff put back together this week (01/11/2022)
Wes: 1. suggests woodshop purchases, will put details in #woodshop 2. Suggests building new workbench with integrated router as a group project. 3. Suggests goal setting for officers; we need to find a place to discuss this 4. Suggests membership interest/skills survey on how to improve the space 5. Suggests an offboarding project to get feedback from outgoing members 6. Suggests PR officer composes quarterly RCL newsletters to showcase what's going on 7. Will open up nominations for Director and Events Officer tonight (01/11/2022) 8. Suggests we get a Smart Thermostat for the space.
Josh and Sam will get the Octoprint url's working externally this Thursday (01/11/2022)
New Business
Engineering Day - Sunday Feb 20, 2022
QR code project is ready for physical implementation! Aaron finished all the code and wiki integration
setup and configuration are under administration/machine-qr-codes
New Gitlab project group
Backup plan for Fred's responsibilities
Moving #officers chat as #administrations, opening up this channel to public
To open up ballot on Thursday 10/08/2022, nomination closes on 17/08/2022
Feb-20 10am-5pm Engineering day
Alan: , Karen: Screw wall, Josh: Hot wheel, Jeep: wands, and Heather
Presented his current roles and responsibilities
Presented Monthly Expenses Vs Expenditure, year-to-day
Welcoming new members to offload responsibilities
End of the year financials in financial_reports
planer: need new blades
jointer: Needs new base
Online wavier as a google form
Nginx is operational missing
Mill mounting plate is done
Belt sander is operational, tracking is aligned
Last updated
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