POS Terminal Setup
These instructions will guide you through the process of setting up one of the PAR POS terminals with touch capabilities. It will also list details for installing specific software relevant to the makerspace. These POS terminals only have 2 USB 2.0 ports, and lack an optical disk drive. In order to install anything through an optical DVD drive, a USB hub and USB Optical DVD Drive are required to have enough I/O for the drive, mouse, and keyboard.
Download whichever Linux distribution you would like to use. For these machines, a lightweight desktop is recommended. Something like Lubuntu or Ubuntu Mate
Create Boot media
Use a USB bootable media creation tool like https://etcher.io/ to create a bootable usb
Use whatever tools are available to burn the ISO to a blank DVD.
During the POS Boot up, there is a short window of time to choose [1. Boot] [2. Setup] [3. No]
Press [1.Boot]
Choose the number of the device that corresponds to the USB Optical Drive
Press the [delete] key during startup to enter the main bios
Go to boot tab and change the hard drive priority to the bootable USB Drive
Go to boot order and verify that your USB is in fact the first bootable device
Press [F10] to reboot and save your changes
Follow the standard guided installation:
Wipe everything and use entire disk
check install updates during install (requires network access)
check install additional software drivers
User - rcl
Hostname - make it machine specific ex: "laser-station"
These steps will ensure all makerspace POS terminals will provide the same interface at each station
Update the OS via either terminal or System > Administration > Software Updater
Download the Linux (Single Touch)(64-bit) Driver from the RCL cloud drive. Here is the official 3M download link Here is the official 3M README link for the driver Here is the official 3M driver manual
Open a terminal and enter the following commands one at a time:
Hold the page down
key until it stops scrolling
press y
to blindly accept the agreement
verify the service is running
Touch the screen like a child in wonderment
Don't close the terminal yet... continue to calibration section
Be careful to not delete twscreen folder. If you do it will remove the drivers and you will have to repeat these steps
follow prompts on the screen to calibrate the touch functions
Last updated
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