NOMCon 2019
Dissecting the data: annual survey of the makerpsaces 2018 report-out (follow up for the survey result charts to be posted)
what do you need as a leader?
manage mengership/access, writing contracts
russell_baylor (research candidate in studying entrepreneurs in makerspaces)
Making sustainable
Economics of the maker movement
Grant funding for makerspaces
educations, innovation, youth, entrepreneurship grants are most applicable
start local for grnts (rotary club, get in front of pelple education fundation, local store foundations,)
grants.goc grant gopher
sucessful grants
capital edu programs community outreach, prrojects thatfocus on inclusivity
innovation challenges for entrepreneurs as a source for grants (the space sells a widget)
there are grants for startup products?
ake the rigiht ask
read the request for proposal use the language they use
know what you need
ask within your means
check out the funder on guidestar "Show me the 990's'"
reuse your work
once you've written down the demographics, content, what you do, can then just be tweaked for subseqeutn grants
encourage site visits
improve your chances
network for good (nonprofit training)
collaborate with local other nfp's in
get grants from local businessess for the collab project
end the hype
if you want to improve something, measure it
recognize results
sponsors are customers - proide them reccuring value
depth over breadth - niche communities provide deeper context and value
the empowering nature of pulic art
teach people how to make everything
week long workshop to make anything
make stuff out of metal
make stuff out of wood
make complex shapes (laser cutters)
learn to program
Kids are making all kinds of shit with wood and metal now.
#Volunteer membership notes
ask them to log the work in the system so the work can be validated
members ares assigned to tasks
asset number is put on tasks for specific machines
assign recurring maintenance tasks to volunteers members
google forms app for appliations (provide actual experience)
phone interview to see hathw they want to get out of it
inital 30 trial to see how they like it, give one off tasks to learn where things are and where they go
flkay people gonna flake within 30 days
if i need to chase you down then you're out, no one has time tfror that
8 hr/mo. its more important than
spreadsheet where members tell you when they're gonna be in the space and how long they have to work on a certain "affinity"
Fundrasing 101
General Constituency Model (Framework)
The organization's universe
people with similar interests
Former participants
Former Donors
Former Board Members
General Donors
Major Donors
Know How to make the "case:
practice articulating why the mission is important, how it's a community need, how we can laleaite the need, what resources we need, how we can utilize the resources, and how you can receive the resources
80% of the dollars come from 20% of the people stll important to cultivate and upgrade a tstron base of support annual cpmaign often year end it a commom vehicle for base engagement cost of aqquiring new donors is much more expensive than keeping one happy and engaged increase your focus on retaining and upgrading donors, pays off in long term
developing opportunities
inbound marketing funnel
Linkage, Ability, Interest (venn diagram) Linkage - a cont act bridge or access through a peer ro the potential donor Ability - the raters perception that the prosect has a gift capability at a certain level use linked in to asses Interest - an understanding and interest in the organzization
Board prospect development Excercise
give scores for the three things from 1-5 then total each row. Prioritize from highest score to lowest
Name | Affiliation and Notes | Linkage | Ability | Interest | Total
cultivate is a process of building teh likages between your org and prospect funder. invlcludes:
event invitiation attendancee
special tours
going out to lunch
how to ask for a major gift
research cultivate the propect i nadvance have threww or more interatsion without a monetary ask in past yeasr. listen to them choose a specific ask amount in advance based on your research setup a face to ace, bring two people, directors are ideal make a clean specific ask with a dollar vaue, stay silent until they respond.
How to thank
promt and meaningful acknowledgment for every gift (no more than two weeks) * real signature (blue pen that bleeds) * personalize receiving a report, in measureable terms, on what was accomplished with the last figt before being asked for another email or newslettet updates to donors
good stewardship leads to progressively building deeper relationship with your donors The board should be doing this
The staff takes the lead bu the board should take an active role in stewardship o realtioship these can include thank you call one on one meeting'tour od space participation in networking event participation in committee or planning initiatie update on use of gift personalized email note about some interestin event or activity
corpoate donations
more common in smaller businesses tax advatngaage is motivator ma be cahs or equipment develope a list of proucts owner is oftern decisio maker
corporate sponsorships
often motivated by public relations thnk about theirconstituency model coneect with marketing dep or something hr need to be lean aout what visibility they get as sresult search web for other spoensihships for sens of good ask amount
put what you don't think you can get at the top for a sponsoroship tier, provides price anchoring effect
Request Letter
tells your story, what you need, what they can give? (dude was way too fast)
make direct connection > gather infor > culticate > send solitcitation leter > follow up call > COMMITMENT! > email about logistics
most visible and largest grants are not always the best opportunity Tre are many small regioanly based funders in your area foudnation directory online (site)
Deep Research
spend time on the website look up news articles on giving and priorities look at core values and available documents on goals who els do they fund ( google it) chheck the 990 ( for infor on past grant amoutns
grants: make it happen
customized letter of intent
full application
renew or upgrade (circle back to full application for recurring grants)
some require a letter of intent. scan the grant and use their own language
expect to apply for way more grants than you receive
keep track of all expenses from grant money and put it into a report. you can work with local artists and orgs to get them a grant and they can pay you for services rendered for space/tool use.
presentation link
The Maker Movement - exploring the 21st century workforce
exploring makers as economic drivers and leaders in the 21st century workforce
makerspace economic value: skills deveopment in a social and sharing environment
The skills we posses are the skills they need: Welders IT What we are: driven creative skille
What we aren't: organized recognized certified
Have companies sponsor a pizza night and have them meet face to face wtih people that have the skills for their company but no certs.
Build relationships with those employers
etsy effect
avg city pop 300,000 approx 500 etsy users average $500/mo x500 = $250,000 x12 = $3,000,000
This is our value! If they were organized into single corporate entity they'd have enough to sustain a giant space.
entrepreneurs - if you can't beat 'em join 'em
where we typically fail (makers): marketing self poromotion business development
where they typically fails (entrepreneurs): prodouct development design prototyping
industry - if you can't join em, beat em
access micromanufacturing distributed micromanufacturing there's a huge gap in small batch manufacturing (manufacturers want miimum batch sizes of 30K units)
etsy amazon handmande ebay facebook marketplace marketplace (check it out, joel isn't advocating for it)
see hub picture. do the marketing, take pics of the product, post them online.
What's after the makerspace
most of these startups fail at the manufacturing stage (check it out) MaTCH grant
FATT open source access control system for the fatt nomcon dashboard repeatable open source scalable platform agnostic accessibly coded affordable hardware
main use cases
door, mains power, some kind of controller (laser, printer)
mozilla open leader program
Last updated
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