Attendees: Jeep, Alan, Mike, Al, Fred, Paul, Channing, Heather, Don, Sam, Joe
Move Air Compressor 5/25/23 and install fan in the woodshop if not installed previously. All help that can be here is requested.
Fiber Laser currently has $1200 in donations, looking for approximately $2500 to purchase fiber laser.
June 3rd Beers and Gears will start at Industry.
June 22nd is next members meeting and would like to work on Pinewood Derby cars after the meeting. Heather will invite Marquette Heights Men’s Club to come that night if they want to come and help.
Paul created a staging rack for the paint booth that will make it easier to put something easier for drying and curing. It is 3x2 sheets for curing. We are working on getting chalk board for when you have a project in between the 2 stages.
Membership income vs income: $300 in the black
New seal under garage door in shop 1, hoping that it helps deter water out of RCL.
Garbage pickup is now on Tuesday and Thursday instead of once a week.
Metal clamps are on the cleat wall in metal shop.
Wood in the corner of the wood shop is on the rack.
Karen’s resin filled sign is on the wall in shop #1
Need a truck to haul Sam’s trailer to Ignite.
Last updated
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