
Attendees: Karen, Wes, Fred, Alan, Jeep, Sam

  1. Everlast Power i-MIG 200 welder arrived

    • Jeep has taken over welding gas responsibilites

    • ELMO exchange -

      • $85 for 5 year lease plus cost of filling

      • Extra speedi helmet & gloves are needed

  2. Changes/reorganization of the space (3d printer room, etc.) -Move rack next to BFL to sound room, modify shelves to stack 4 or more 3D printers -Move rack currently in clean room to shop to separate wood/metal shop (has rear and side panels) and secure to wall at ceiling truss (8ft 6in)

    1. Waiting for Menards to get in stock-order an additional rack

  3. Public tour night July 7th 7pm -posted on MeetUp & FB-Alan will host. Will any member be able to host next month (August 12th)?

  4. Laser cutter Tube stands are replaced, Joe partially aligned, still needs fine tuned (tube might need to be lowered) K40 blower is mounted Potentially move Glowforge to left of BFL will require assistant venting or ducting out a different window (replace glass in window) -TBD

  5. Grass cutting and general housekeeping (keep bathroom door closed to reduce dust)

  6. Poll members about decomsissioning small wood CNC-Sam

  7. Mill needs a new base plate-Alan/Jeep

Last updated

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