

Jeep, Justin, Chris, Aaron, Joe, Heather, Alan, Sam, Williamd


karen is working on the membership suvey. will work with aaron to get it sent out

Alan is up for doing a safety class

Joe needs people to sign up for ignite. he will look into if jeep can sell/have knives.

Heather said she can provide daylight tours of spook hollow to see how things are built.

Chris signed us up for peoria's pride fest and will spearhead that effort. Aaron will assist.

new channel created #makerfest-shirts-2022 to coordinate new shirt designs for makerfest

Jeep mentioned that there is a lot of work that needs to be done in the newly expanded room. You don't need to know how to do anything, just having spare hands to help hold things would be greatly appreciated. If you have any free time available on Tuesdays starting at 6pm-ish

Cut the grass! it's part of our lease. if you have time, the mower is in the back room. Ask anyone if you can't find it

Josh wants to put a good sucky fan for the print room in the exhaust window.

Last updated

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